Explaining the Benefits of Using Compostable Tray Packaging for Your Business

You’ve probably heard the term ‘compostable food packaging’, but do you have any idea what it is and how using such products could benefit your business? Years ago, the negative effect on the business would have been minimal if a company claimed that they couldn’t afford to be green. Today, however, businesses across all industry sectors accept the fact that going green is a strategy that always pays off in the long run and it's something that they can’t afford to ignore.

As a matter of fact, in the world of today, it's hard to find any market-leading brand that doesn’t have sustainability at the core of everything it does. Why, you ask? Because the environment matters to customers and people in general. And consequently, what matters to customers has a great power to affect your profits and losses. More and more consumers are starting to seek out responsible businesses and products and there are many people that choose to go as far as to boycott companies that operate irresponsibly.

These behaviors are especially prevalent amongst younger generations as they are most likely to spend money on eating out. Therefore, if you want millennials to be spending money in your business and increase your profits, you need to think green and start using compostable tray solutions for your takeouts. Along with that, try to find a way to tell your customers your story and offer them quality food. The truth of the matter is, you’ll probably have to pay a little bit more for compostable tray packaging, and just like all good business owners, you’ll want to know what you'll get in return for that investment.

By using compostable packaging products, you put yourself in a great position to the great number of consumers who are concerned about the impact that consumption has on the environment. According to statistics, as many as 61% of consumers consider green packaging when deciding where to shop. If you think about it, that’s already a significant amount of customers and that number is only likely to increase as younger generations are educated in an era of increased environmental awareness. Furthermore, you'll be ‘doing your bit’ for the environment:

  • You will significantly reduce the amount of carbon your business uses;
  • You will help divert more of the waste your company produces away from environmentally-damaging landfill;
  • You will help reduce the level of pollution in the soil, air, and groundwater;
  • You will help conserve resources by reducing the number of new materials that are needed for the making of packaging products.