Improve Your Sleep with Essential Oils for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring isn’t the most pleasant sound in the world, but the person who snores has no control over it. It occurs when the tissue and muscles of the throat, tongue and mouth relax during sleep. This relaxation causes a vibrating sound when the person inhales and exhales. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes stops and starts in your breathing (which often leads to snoring).

If you’re a snorer, then you have already heard complaints (if you share the room or bed with another person). Reading these lines means that you’re already looking for a remedy that would ease your snoring. There are various snoring treatments, but we’ll focus on the natural ways. Essential oils for snoring and sleep apnea are one of the best ways to treat and ease this condition.
Studies show that the use of essential oils can reduce the rate of snoring. Essential oils prepare the body for sleep and are safe and natural, so you won’t have to worry about unwanted side effects.

Types of Essential Oils

For thousands of years, people were using essential oils for beauty and health purposes. Essential oils include a high concentration of organic compounds extracted from a plant’s roots, leaves, flowers, wood, seeds, stems, fruit or bark. Let’s see the types of essential oils that are excellent for sleep apnea and snoring.

Thyme oil

This is one of the best essential oils for snoring. Thyme is recommended for improving respiratory health (people often drink thyme tea when they have colds). It also calms the nervous system. Taking this oil would improve the breathing and allow you to sleep better. Thyme is a powerful immune system booster, so it's often used to reduce the symptoms of bronchitis, asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. The great thing is that it smells amazing and it won't bother you when using it.

Marjoram oil

This is an essential oil that will improve your breathing, by opening the airways and relieving respiratory congestion, bronchitis and asthma. It works wonderfully as a snore reliever too; it’s a warm, and calming herb that helps with reducing anxiety and stress, so no wonder it’s a popular essential oil for sleep. This herb's smell resembles oregano.

Lavender oil

It's quite popular when it comes to a calm and relaxed night rest. Its mild and sedative properties will relax you before bedtime. If you have a common cold or the flu symptoms, don’t hesitate to use this oil to relieve the symptoms.

Pine oil

It has antiseptic properties and is known as a powerful oil that helps to open the vessels in the respiratory system. Opened vessels mean reduced snoring. This oil is frequently used in treatment for colds, bronchitis, and sinusitis. You can blend it with lavender, marjoram or eucalyptus oils and add the mix in your diffuser.


It's a herb used both for cooking and remedies. Its use goes back to the middle ages when this herb was used for medicinal benefits. Sage has antibacterial and anti fungal properties and helps to eliminate inflammation. If you’re going to use for snoring, you can use either an essential oil, but also drink or gargle with sage tea. The anti-inflammatory properties of sage reduce swelling in the throat.

Peppermint oil

This is a natural decongestant and helps in relieving breathing problems. People with asthma or sinusitis often use it. The active ingredient in this oil is menthol which besides the great smell, has anti-inflammatory properties. Besides helping you with your breathing, it can help with headaches and muscle pain. Its smell would give your room a refreshing boost. You can mix it with lavender oil for a relaxed and calm sleep.

How to Use Essential Oils

All essential oils for snoring are different. The first thing to keep in mind is – never ingest essential oils. They are supposed to be diffused, dripped into a hot bath or turned into compresses. Ingesting it is risky and dangerous. Besides adding the oil in the diffuser, you can soak a towel in warm water where you have previously added a few drops of your chosen essential oils. Squeeze the extra water off the towel (it should be damp) and place it over your face.
Although essential oils can be purchased in various stores (drugstores, perfumeries, pharmacies), make sure you do your research or ask a professional about the use and potential risks.

How Safe Are These Oils

Generally, essential oils are considered to be safe, but you should always be precautious and follow instructions. Most of the essential oils should be used in an oil diffuser. It makes the whole thing easier because the diffuser can be placed in your bedroom (and you can take it with you wherever you go). It'll steam and the oils will open up your airways while you sleep. Essential oils should smell pleasant, for you and the person you share your room or bed with. For best effects put your diffuser on thirty minutes to one hour before bed so the scent can fill the room.

How Essential Oils Can Help You With Sleep Apnea

Any essential oil with anti-inflammatory benefits can help with sleep apnea. Keep in mind that sleep apnea is not a joke and if you believe that you have it, you should always make a doctor’s appointment and ask them whether you should use essential oils for snoring and sleep apnea or get another treatment. These oils can ease your snoring, but there are many factors you should consider if you want to get rid of this problem.

Excessive weight, consuming alcohol in large amounts and smoking can also contribute to snoring. You should consider quitting them and start leading a healthier life (consuming nutritive meals and drink plenty of water). Be sure to consult with your doctor; these oils might not be the only thing you need for your problem. Be sure to follow the guides and never use the essential oil in other ways than the recommended ones.