Small Details to Give Your Bathroom a 5*Hotel Feeling

Super-soft cotton towels, fluffy white robes, velour slippers, and heavenly smelling pampering products in tiny little bottles – if there's anything that a fancy hotel bathroom does well, it's the clever little touches. Luxury hotels know it’s the small details that make a whole lot of difference. There is something luxuriously self-indulgent about wrapping in a hotel towel post, putting on slippers and applying aromatic products after a shower.

But why should that feeling be experienced solely while you’re staying at a hotel? Your home bathroom should be your sanctuary, the perfect place to paper and relax every morning and night. So, if you already have a beautiful bathroom design that you like, you can concentrate on investing in the perfect accessories in order to give your home bathroom a hotel-like vibe.

Buy New Towels

Luxury hotels worldwide are known for pampering their guests with the finest of everything and that includes irresistibly soft towels. To capture that decadent feeling at your home bathroom, indulge yourself with fluffy, oversized towels you can buy online. For a really elegant look, buy towels in pairs – one for you and one for your partner. This not only adds plenty of style points to the bath but also ensures arguments over whose towel is whose are a thing of the past. While many hotels use white towels to keep laundering easy, you can go for any color that pleases your heart. To add a personal touch, have your towels monogrammed with your initials on. Hang your bathroom towel on a freestanding heated towel rack to warm it up for the ultimate post-shower comfort.


Hotel bathrooms are relaxing because they are tidy and free of clutter (that is associated with stress and anxiety). You can recreate this tidy look by getting rid of products that you don’t need or use and replacing all your mismatched product containers and bottles with a cohesive set or clear mason jars. Display all your tiny toiletries, on a bathroom tray - marble ones are very trendy. Keep jewelry from piling up on your counter by placing it in a lovely jewelry box.

Dispose of Old Dispenser

Pour all of your soaps, shampoos, creams, lotions, and potions that sit on the vanity unit and take up lots of space into their own set of cohesive dispensers, and place them on a bathroom liquid soap holder. You will be amazed by just how much it will transform the look of your bathroom. This trick packs a major design punch and is a breeze to do it yourself. On that note, just mount the bathroom liquid soap holder on a spare wall to save valuable sink space and enjoy the sight of a clutter-free bathroom sink. A sleek, minimalist wall-mounted liquid soap holder in white, gray or maybe matte black that can fit two or three standard bottles makes for a perfect decorative item but also a functional addition for your modern hotel-like bathroom. Pick stylish pump bottles that fit the holder and refill them with your favorite hand wash or hand cream when empty. You can check if the store that sells liquid soap holders also have a set of bottles in their range, for a cohesive look.

Supercharge Your Senses

To evoke fond memories of a luxury hotel spa experience, focus on scent. Divine smelling essential oils, scented soaps and candles will all help to replicate those feelings of pampering and relaxation so make sure you have these in your bathroom.

Light it Up

There's a reason why everyone looks better in hotel bathroom mirrors – it’s because of the lighting. A backlit LED mirror that emits a soft, even glow provide light that is consistent and easy on the eyes. Because they emit an even amount of light, each time you use the mirror you won't notice the annoying shadows that can be otherwise noticed with traditional lights. These mirrors in combination with a few candles can give out a nice glow, and take a relaxing bubble bath after a stressful day to a whole new level.

Play With Plants

To achieve that resort-like vibe into your bathroom, plants are a great way of bringing a sense of life and vitality to your shower space. Add some potted plants that thrive well in humid bathrooms with low light, orchids and tropical plants are all potential candidates or hang a bundle of eucalyptus branches from the ceiling and let the heat and steam from the shower release the plant's therapeutic natural oils.

Change Your Current Faucets

If your current handles,​ pulls, and faucets look a bit outdated, swap them with golden ones to add a touch of luxury into your bathroom. Small golden details can go a long way into making a space feel rich and warm. Apart from looking stylish, high-quality faucets should be durable and water-efficient so they help you reduce water use in your bathroom and save money on water bills.